At Fellowship Harvest,
we see our Christian lives as a journey.

The image of life as a journey is found in the Bible: the 40-year journey of the Israelites; Abraham's journey to the land God promised him; the Israelites returning home after exile in Babylon.

Looking at life this way helps us visualize our life of faith, reminding us that we are going somewhere!

Our faith journey is a process, during which we grow in the knowledge of God, deepen our understanding of His plan for us, and strengthen our faith. Along this journey, we have opportunities to draw closer to God as we prepare to spend eternity in His presence.


Deepen your understanding of the Bible and grow in your faith through our weekly Bible study groups.

Connect with other believers and build meaningful relationships through our various fellowship events.

Get involved with our Operation Christmas Child ministry.

Visit with our Pastor to find a ministry activity suited to the gifts God has given you!